We can join your in-house team or develop custom software from scratch

You can develop with confidence with the right software development partner. Building a development team with OMGH LIMITED is like opening your own remote development center, but without the hassle.

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Software Development

Web or mobile, our skilled engineering teams build solid custom software solutions, together with our clients and tech leaders across multiple industries.

Mobile applications

We build custom, well-optimized, and intuitive native mobile apps for Android and ios.

Building bold new products

Solving real-world problems

Enhancing business processes

Web applications

We deliver fast, secure and scalable web applications built with state-of-the-art, reliable web technologies.

Intelligent and result driven business applications

Beautiful and branded websites

Efficient and secure e-commerce and web portals

Real-time applications

We build custom apps that process real-time data in strictly defined intervals upon processing.

Sensor data monitoring

Stream processing for IoT devices

Detecting fraud and spam

Corporate Training

Security Consulting & Training

Omgh limited experts gained experience working in cybersecurity departments of the most prestigious companies. That is why we can offer you different training and consultancy sessions, covering a wide field of cybersecurity topics using methods that rely on widely recognized cybersecurity standards.

Corporate Training

What is Security Awareness Training?

Security awareness training is a type of cyber security education that gives an organization’s end users the knowledge they need to protect confidential information from cyber criminals. In this case, the term “end users” can encompass both full- and part-time employees, freelance contractors, and any other individuals who share, store, edit, or access organizational data.

Security awareness training courses and topics must support an organization’s overall cyber security objectives by changing specific user behaviors that may amplify risk. These behaviors can include clicking on a link or entering sensitive information in a suspicious webpage form.

The best security awareness training programs leverage real-world phishing simulations and other web-based communication and reinforcement tools. Working in concert with educational training modules, they ensure users can recognize cyber threats and tactics related to phishing, spear phishing, ransomware, malware, social engineering, and more. phishing, spear phishing, ransomware, malware, social engineering, and more.

Corporate Training

Why is Security Awareness Training Needed?

Technology alone doesn’t provide your organization with full-proof protection from cyber attacks and data breaches. Security awareness training courses, programs, and campaigns help educate users and empower them to detect and avoid common cyber threats consistently. In short, a human-centric cyber security approach is the best defense against cyber criminals.

Security awareness training also cultivates a strong security-aware mindset and culture that prioritizes the protection of sensitive information. Once this mindset becomes second nature, security leaders can feel confident that their team can easily adapt to the ever-changing, complex world of cyber threats.

Many organizations also require security awareness training to comply with industrial or regional regulations, including (but not limited to) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Payment Card Initiative (PCI). While training on these and other regulations isn’t required for small-to-medium-sized enterprises, it can boost revenue and public image through a public commitment to information security.

What's Involved

Educating staff on the importance of cybersecurity awareness (The staff induction process is an ideal time to train new employees about the importance of cyber security)

The Privacy act
(Outline Responsibilities)

Document Handling
and Classification policies

of threats

Phishing Attacks

The Dangers of
downloading unofficial files

Social Engineering

The Dangers of
Installing unofficial apps and programs

Best Practice
Password Management

Public WiFi Hotspots
(The Need for VPN Software)

Avoiding insecure
or unverified websites

Social Media Posts
(Do’s and Dont’s)

Ongoing Vigilance

Already Made apps

Ready to use apps

You need an already developed application for your organization? We have apps for schools, churches , Fuel station management ,data collection software and more  available for sale.

Streaming Services

Get your WebTV and Internet Radio Online

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